To add new
rout tariffs, you need to click <Add> and then perform the following

Figure 12 (Route Tariff Entry)
- Select
the Carrier Name from the predefined suggestion box;
- Select
the Store (the inventory store where the item is stored) from the
predefined list;
- Select
the Country, City and Area;
- In the Copy
From Route, you can copy the same Route Tariff Details from the
selected route;
- Enter
the Distance between the Store and the Destination;
- Select
the Status (Active/ Inactive)
- Enter
the Status Date;
- Enter Driver
Allowance 1;
- Enter
the Shadow Driver Allowance 1;
- Once
you have done defining the necessary data, click<Save>
After defining the Route Tariff, you
need to define the Route Tariff Details, to do so you need to perform
the following steps:
Select the Route from the Rout Tariff
block by clicking on it and then perform the following steps in the Route
Tariff Details Entry;

Figure 13 (Route Tariff Details)
- Select
the Item that will be transferred;
- Enter
the Transfer Unit Cost;
- Select
the Item Nature;
- Enter
the Minimum and Maximum load allowed for the selected item;
- Select
the Status and enter the Status Date;
- Once
you have done defining the necessary data, click<Save>.
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