Sales OrderSales Order\Generate Invoice


Using this page you can generate invoices for all customers and post them to the Financial system;


Figure 56 (Generate Invoice)


To view a certain Sales Invoice, you need to fill in one or more of the search criteria with its proper details and then click <Search>, accordingly the matching results will be displayed in the Sales Invoice block. (Note: If the user wants to make one invoice for all approved delivery permissions under the same sales order or wants to make separate invoices, then he/she has to select/unselect the Separated checkbox)


To view the details of a certain invoice, you need to select the invoice by clicking on it, accordingly the details will be displayed in the Invoice Details block;


To generate the invoice(s), you need to perform the following steps:


  • Select the needed sales order by selecting their checkboxes;
  • If the user wants to make one invoice for all approved delivery permissions under the same sales order or wants to make separate invoices, then he/she has to select/unselect the Separated checkbox;
  • Click <Generate Invoices>; accordingly, a notification pop-up appears to inform you whether the invoices were generated successfully or not;
  • Upon generating the invoice, the below will happen:

-       Reflect on the Inventory; Release Booking and Sales Issue;

-       The Total Price field will be enabled; (The user can change it then click update to post the new total price to financial.)

-       The invoice number and invoice date will be filled in the list for the selected Sales Order.


To generate one invoice for multiple sales orders for the same customer, you need to perform the following steps:


  • Select the Branch and the Customer in the Sales Invoice Search block; noting that you can use the other search fields to filter-down the retrieved results;
  • Click <Search>; accordingly, the matching results will be displayed in the Sales Invoice List block;
  • Select the needed sales orders by selecting their checkboxes;
  • Click <Generate Invoice with Merge>.


To post the invoice to the Financial, you need to select the needed generated Invoice(s) by checking the related checkbox(es) and then click<Post to Financial>;


Once you post the invoice(s), the Transaction will:

-       Reflect on the Financial;

-       Affect the Available Balance for the customer;


 To Un-post invoices from the Financial, you need to select the needed Invoice(s) by checking the related checkbox(es) and then click<Un Post>;


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