Purchase Requisition

Requisition Type
Requisition No.
Requisition List
15/11/202315/01/2024NormalMohammed Imad Suleiman Suleiman2023/14641main store supply
Requisition Details List
 22400064Cleaning brush for radiation shield Part No:71031 FLS part No:4386239 for Laboratory carbon/sulfur analyzer Type:CS-800 Eqp.No:881.QC330 Manufacture:ELTRA 11EA10  0100
 49700001Actuator control Model: DK-2640 Type: EPP2M03-AVS01 complete with 5/2 solenoid Type: MNF53200000-AVS01 Eqp.No: 331.BF 300-17 Manufacturer: AVS 11EA10  0100
 53530001Sensor vibration velocity horizontal measurement Type:VS-068 M/N:X08124207 S/N:00016902 for 331.FN400 Manufacturer:BRUEL & KJAER VIBRO 11EA21000210
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