Purchase Requisition

Requisition Type
Requisition No.
Requisition List
19/12/202331/01/2024NormalMohammed Imad Suleiman Suleiman2023/15979main store supply
Requisition Details List
 38100016Coupling flexible Model:N-EUPEX Type:A Size:350 D1:100mm K6 D2:100mm K6 FLS Part No:1640560 for cooler fan Eqp.No:441.FN305 & 441.FN310 Manufacture:SIEMENS 11EA1001479.39540100
 38300007Hydraulic coupling Model:FLUDEX Type:FAD 395/EOC Bore input side DiaxL:65x140mm Shaft tolerance:M6 Bore tolerance:H7 Bore output side DiaxL: 55x90mm Shaft tolerance:M6 Bore tolerance:H7 NR:TD 451 4115-080 Eqp.No:471.AC100 Manufacturer:SIEMENS 11EA1003845.2225500100
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