Purchase Order Approval Request

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1469Internal12/26/2023 12:00:00 AMنور الجزيرة الفنية للخراطة02023/149192 Weeks1560.0050JOD  100% Cash On Delivery
- MIC Code Of Conduct (signed and stamped by the supplier) - Required documents: 1 Original Commercial Invoices (Stamped & Signed) to MIC Headquarters. - Warranty: The goods must be brand new of satisfactory quality genuine and fit for intended uses according to offered specifications.
Purchase Order Report
AHUSBANنور الجزيرة الفنية للخراطةnooraljazeera@yahoo.com  
27790003Pins Pos.3 for Carbonate plant pin mill Type:SMW-84 Serial No:308 Eqp.No:321.PM500 & 322.PM500 Manufacturer:ECUTEC التاكيد على معالجة وتقسية البن بعد الخراطة400SE3.3620801344.8320 
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