Sales Management\Order Type


This page displays the order types (sales order and sales returns) that can be performed in the system, using this page you can manage the orders by defining their Details;


Figure 27 (Order Type)


  • The list of Orders will be displayed in the Order Type List block; to view a certain predefined Order Type, you need to fill in one or more of the search criteria with its proper details and then click<Search>, accordingly the matching results will be displayed.


  • You can only edit the following data (checkboxes):


Ø  Effected on Financial: if it is checked, then the sales order or return sales can be posted to financial, otherwise it cannot be posted.

Ø  Active: change the Voucher Setup Status, noting that the voucher cannot be used when Inactive.

Ø  Posting Flag: define whether the status of the entered Voucher will be posted or not in the Financial System.

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