To add a new bank branch, click add.jpg in the Branches block and then perform the following steps in the Banks Branches Entry block:

§  Select the Bank that the newly added branch belongs to;

§  The Bank Code is given by the system after saving this entry;

§  Enter the Name of the branch. In Name 2 you can enter the name of the branch in the second language of the system as well;

§  Enter the Branch Code 2 if available;

§  Enter the branch’s Phone and Fax numbers;

§  Enter the branch’s Email address;

§  Enter the branch’s detailed Address;

§  Check-in the Active Branches checkbox and select one bank branch or more from the dropdown list;

§  Click Save.jpg to save your work;

§  Next, you can specify the bank branch accounts.


You can reset entered data by simply clicking Reset.jpg. Accordingly, the system will clear all fields.


To close the Bank Branches Entry block, click Exit.jpg.


Related Topics

Add Banks
Add Bank Branch Accounts

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  Add Bank Branch Accounts