

The Credit Cards page allows you to define the credit card details such as the commission percentage, bank and accounts.


To add a new credit card, click add.jpg and then perform the following steps:


§  The Code is automatically given by the system. Each credit card will have a unique serialised code;

§  Enter the Name of the credit card;

§  Enter the credit card’s Commission Percentage;

§  Specify the Commission Account that will hold all the credit card commissions. Account were previously defined through the Chart of Accounts page of the General Ledger module;

§  Specify the added credit card’s Bank and Credit Card Account. Banks can be defined through the Bank Branches page and accounts can be defined through the Chart of Accounts page of the General Ledger module;

§  Enter the Status Date on which the credit card’s status will take effect;

§  Specify the Status of the credit card (Active or Inactive);

§  Click Save.jpg to save your work.



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  Currency Rates
  Payment Terms
  Customer/ Supplier Types
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