

Through the Offers page you can create a proposal of price for selling certain assets within your company for any reason possible.


Once you create all needed offers, you need to approve the offer. To do so, first you need to inquire about the needed offer by filling in the Offers Search criteria and then click Search.jpg. Matching results are displayed in the Offers List. Select the needed offer and then click ApproveOffer.jpg to approve the offer. Accordingly, you will be redirected to the Sales page to complete the sale of offered assets.


To add a new asset offer, you need to click add.jpg and then perform the following steps:


§  Select the Branch issuing the offer;

§  The Date is automatically set to the date of entry. However, you can change it if you want;

§  Select the allowed Payment Type (Cash or Credit);

§  Select the name of the Customer from a list of customers that were previously defined through the Customer/ Supplier page in the Financial Setup module. If the customer pays in Credit, then the customer has to be defined in the system. If the customer pays in ‘Cash’ for this offer, then he/ she does not necessarily have to be a defined customer; you can manually enter the name of the customer. To do so, simply uncheck the Existing checkbox and then enter in the name of the Customer in the designated field;

§  Enter any necessary Notes concerning the offer;

§  Click Save.jpg to save your work;

§  Next, you need to specify the offer assets list.



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Asset Transactions
Add Offer Assets List

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  Add Offer Assets List