Through the Post-Dated Cheques sub-module you can follow up with the received cheques in matter of collection, rejection and undoing of collection.


To do so you need to go through the following:


§  Search for the Post-Dated Cheques by filling the searching criteria then click Search;

§  In the Cheques Collected in Bank block, select the Bank you are dealing with then select the Bank Branch;

§  Select the Company Branch Account and the Company Post-Dated Cheques (PDC) Account. Note that these accounts can be defined in the Bank Branches sub-module located in the Financial Setup module;

§  Click the All Cheques radio button to select all retrieved cheques for the action you want to perform, or click the Selected Cheques button and then select the required cheques;

§  Using the Transaction list of values, determine whether you want to retrieve cheques of all statuses or a specific status:

-       Under Collection: cheques that are deposited under the bank's  Cheques Under Collection account but not collected yet;

-       Collected: cheques that are collected;

-       Cancelled: A cheque that is cancelled before it has been processed;

-       Returned: A cheque that cannot be processed because the writer has no enough funds.

§  Note that the transaction list will be filtered according to the status of the cheques selected;

§  Click Confirm to verify the changes done.



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Accounts Receivable

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  AR Transactions
  Statement of Account