All the forms and pages within ESKA® Business Manager have main features that enable you to access, set or type data.


§  Mandatory.jpg All fields highlighted in red represent mandatory fields; you must insert data in these fields so that their functions can operate successfully;

§  Retreived.jpg All fields highlighted in light yellow represent data automatically retrieved or generated by the system;

§  AutoRetreive.jpg All fields marked with a magnifying glass icon represent fields that can be automatically completed; for example, you can enter the first digit of a receipt number and a list will appear showing the available receipts that start with the provided digit;

§  RadioButtons.jpg Radio Buttons are used to choose between different options. You can only choose one option at a time. For example, if you click on Option A, the radio button will be selected; if you click on Option B, Option A will be de-selected and Option B will be selected instead;

§  checkboxes.jpg Checkboxes are used to select a number of options by clicking the required option’s checkbox. Checking-in the checkbox means selecting the related option, while checking-out the checkbox means de-selecting it;

§  DDL.jpg Drop-Down Lists are used to display various options to select from. Clicking the arrow of the list would open the list with all the options available for selection.



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Before You Begin

Relate Topics:
  Buttons and Functions
  Page Structure