Sales OrderSales Order\Sales OrderSales Order\Add Sales Order


To add new Sales Order, you need to click <Add> and then perform the necessary steps.


Figure 40 (Sales Order Info)


Ø  Order Information


  • Select the Branch from the predefined list;
  • The Quotation Number and Sales Order Number are auto-generated by the system once you save the Sales Order;
  • The Sales Order Date is set to the current date; however, you can change if needed;
  • Enter the Shipment Date;
  • The Delivery Date is auto-retrieved by the system;
  • Enter the Sales Order Due Date;


Ø  Customer Information


  • Select the Customer from the predefined list, accordingly the Customer Name will be auto-retrieved by the system; however, you can change it if needed.
  • Enter the Customer Reference;
  • The Currency will be auto-retrieved from financial based on the selected customer; however, you can change it if needed;
  • The Ex-rate is auto-retrieved by the system;
  • Select the Country, City and Area will be retrieved based on the selected customer; however,  you can change them if needed;
  • The Payment Method is auto-retrieved by the system based on the selected customer;

Ø  PO Information


  • The Stock No is auto-retrieved by the system;
  • Select the Store;
  • Select the Sales Team from the predefined list;
  • Select the Salesman from the predefined list;
  • Enter Purchase Order No;
  • Select the Sales Order Item Type (Bulk/Bag/Crete);

-       If Bulk was selected, you can only transfer the same quantity (No tolerance)

-       If Bag was selected, you can ship quantity plus/ minus the tolerance

-       Select  the Transfer Type is auto-generated by the system;

  • Select the Sales Order Type (Local, Export)

-       If Export was selected, you need to fill the additional fields;

-       Export Orders are considered as Commercial invoices


Ø  Amount Information


  • The Credit Limit, Available Balance and the Remaining Balance are auto retrieved from the Financial System;

-       Credit Limit: retrieves the customer credit limit from Financial System.

-       Available Balance: it reads the down-payment amount paid in the Financial System (Receipt). Posted sales order are deducted from this amount, while it is not affected by booked transactions. 

-       Remaining Balance: it displays the amount that the customer can still use for future orders. Once the order item is booked, the amount is deducted from the remaining balance.

§  The Total Net Amount is auto-retrieved by the system, it represents the total net amount of items.

§  The Total Amount LC is auto-retrieved by the system, it represents the total amount of items in local currency.

§  The Booked Orders will be auto-retrieved by the system, it represents the total booked orders amount for the selected customer.

§  The PDC is auto-retrieved by the system,, it represents the total post dated cheques amount for the selected customer.

§  The Total Transfer LC is auto-retrieved by the system, it represents the total of transfer cost of items in local currency.

§  The Total Amount is auto-retrieved by the system, it represents the total amount of items.

§  The Total Discount is auto-retrieved by the system, it represents the total discount on items.

§  The Total Tax is auto-retrieved by the system, it represents the total tax on items.

§  Total Net Amount LC are auto-retrieved by the system, it represents the total net amount of items in local currency.

§  The Total Discount LC is auto-retrieved by the system, it represents the total discount on items in local currency.

§  The Total Tax LC is auto-retrieved by the system, it represents the total tax on item in local currency.

Ø  Commercial Invoice Information;


§  Enter the Payment;

§  Enter the HC Code;

§  The Created By and Creation Date fields will be auto-retrieved by the system once you save;

§  The Modified By and Modification Date fields will be auto-retrieved by the system once you make any updates/modifications;

§  Enter any necessary Notes;

§  Once you have finished defining all the necessary information, click <Save>.


After saving the Sales Order, you can add End Customers on the Sales Order through performing the following steps:


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