To add a
new Customers/Suppliers Type click in the Customer Types block, then
perform the following steps:
§ The Code will be given by the system after saving the new customer type;
§ Enter the Name of the customer type. In Name 2 you can also enter the name in the second language of the system;
§ Select the Account Creation method (Fixed/Auto). If the account creation is set to Fixed, then you need to add the Customer Type Account(s). If the account creation is set to Auto then the system will automatically generate a new account for this customer, allocated under the selected Main Account in the Chart of Accounts of the company;
§ Select whether the customer type will be Applicable To the customer, supplier or both;
§ Select the Main Account under which this new account will be allocated in the Chart of Accounts. You can only select accounts from the last level of the main accounts. Note that this field remains disabled if the Account Creation is set to Fixed;
§ Click to save your work.
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