the Collection Cashier you can create Receipt Payment or Netting in
order to settle the collections, you can also view submitted collections;
To view
certain submitted collections, fill in the selecting criteria fields with the
proper details to filter down the retrieved records:
Select the range of
dates (From Date\ To Date) on which the collection was created;
- Enter the Collection Number:
Select the Customer from
the predefined suggestion box;
Select the Collection
Type from the predefined dropdown list;
Select the Policy
Select the Branch;
Click on ;
the matching results will be listed in the Collections List block;
that the system will display Submitted Collections only);
the Collection from the Collection List block to view the Collection
Details and the Payment Method List details;
If the Collection Type
is Netting, meaning that the total Credit Note(s) equals the total Debit
Note(s), no receipt or payment will be created, the system will only create
If the
Collection Type is Receipt or Payment, GL transactions will be created, and you
need to perform the following steps in the Make Transaction block:
§ Select the Cashier:
§ Enter the Journal Day;
§ Click on ;
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