ESKA® Business Manager provides an adequate netting mechanism. Through the Netting sub-module you are able to view all of the customer/ supplier open invoices and settle these balances to a net amount either fully or partially.


To execute the netting process, you need to go through the following:


§  Select both parties you want to perform the netting to by selecting the Customer/ Supplier names. You can select the same customer/ supplier to settle his/ her invoices to a net amount;

§  Click ShowDCNotes.jpg to view all debit and credit transactions done by the customer(s)/ supplier(s) entered;

§  Select the transaction you want to settle from the Debit Side and Credit Side blocks;

§  Click Save.jpg to settle these transactions into a net amount

§  Click Netting.jpg to make an automatic distribution of the netted amount.


Note: If you perform the netting for two different parties, then the system will automatically generate a voucher with the settled amount. However, if you perform the netting for the same person, then the system will not generate a voucher with the settled amount.



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