The Workflow Activities are divided in two parts: ESKA activities and extra activities


Listed below are all the ESKA activities available in ESKA® Workflow:



Activity Mandatory Properties

Import Page

Imports an ESKADENIA generated form to proceed with workflow.

File Name & Action button which must be for all forms  (btnsubmit)

Workflow Object

Reads objects and their properties from another page from ESKADENIA applications.

Object Name

Send E-Mail

Sends electronic mail to a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server for delivery.

Subject, To and Body


Defines a workflow communication activity that defines a certain employee.

Name : that is already defined in the HR system

Username that is automatically generated by the system


Defines a workflow communication activity that defines all employees that are related to a certain group.(defined in system security)

Group Name


Defines a workflow communication activity that defines a certain manager

(Direct Manager or any other manager chosen )

Employee Name for activity in the process you can also choose the position from the manger


Defines a workflow communication activity that defines the initiator of this workflow

No mandatory Properties


Defines a workflow communication activity that defines a certain position.



Defines a workflow communication activity that requires approval from the previous person in the workflow to proceed with workflow. This activity is only used along with Listen Activity

No mandatory Properties


Defines a workflow communication activity that requires rejection from the previous person in the workflow to proceed with workflow. This activity is only used along with Listen Activity

No mandatory Properties

Assign Employee

Assigns a task to a specific employee.(Also can be in listen activity )

No mandatory Properties

Call Database

Calls stored procedures that are already defined in the Database

Command type (stored procedure or text)

Connection String

SQL parameters


Extra activities

Conditioned Group

Provides the definition of a group of constraint-based execution context for an activity.



Provides the logic to establish a timer and to wait, asynchronously, for timer's expiration before the instance proceeds.

No mandatory properties


Conditionally runs one of two or more activities of type If/Else. The If/Else activity will execute the first branch whose condition property evaluates to true. If no conditions evaluate to true, then none of the branches will execute



Makes the workflow wait for any one of several possible events (approve/reject)

 before the activity proceeds.

Approve /Reject activities


The Parallel activity allows multiple activities to execute at the same time.



Runs a set of child activities according to a single defined ordering.



Cancels the workflow immediately. No exception is raised but an error message can be specified and will be logged.

No mandatory properties


Runs an activity iteratively as long as a certain condition is true.















Related Topics

Workflow Designer

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