The Multiple Payments page is similar to the Payments page. However, through this page you are able to make multiple payment entries for both debit and credit sides of the payment to be generate in a single voucher, whereas in the Payments page you can make payment entries for the debit side of the payment transaction.


To add multiple payments, you need to go through the following steps:

§  In the Payment Entry block, select the company Branch issuing this payment;

§  The Source, Payment Number, Year /Period  is automatically generated and displayed by the system after saving the payment;

§  The Journal Date is automatically set by the system to the date of entry. However, you can change it if you want;

§  The Last Payment Number will be automatically displayed by the system;

§  Check in the Is  Posted checkbox if the payment was posted to financial;

§  Enter any necessary Voucher Notes.

§  In Paid To you can enter the name of the person to whom the amount was paid;

In the Payment Details Entry block, select the Entry Type (Debit or Credit) and the party (Supplier or Account) to whom you are performing this payment transaction:


-       If the ‘Cheque’ Payment Method and ‘Credit’ Entry Type were selected, then you need to select the Bank and Bank Branch of the cheque. Accordingly, the system automatically retrieved the Bank Branch Account number. Next, you need to specify the Payee name, Cheque Number, Due Date and Cheque Note;

-       If the ‘EFT’ Payment Method and ‘Credit’ Entry Type were selected, then you need to select the Bank and Bank Branch of the cheque. Accordingly, the system automatically retrieved the Bank Branch Account number. Next, you need to specify the Payee name and EFT Number.

§  Enter the Amount of the payment;

§  The Exchange Rate will be displayed by the system. By default the currency will be set to the local currency of the company. Yet, you can change it if needed. In all cases, the system will display the Amount in Local  Currency;

§  If you are making a payment entry of type ‘Debit’, then you need to select the party (Supplier or Account) to whom you are performing this payment transaction:

-       Select the Customer/ Supplier Number from a list of customers/ suppliers that were previously defined through the Suppliers page. Note that this field is enabled only if the Supplier radio button is selected. Otherwise this field will be disabled;

-       Select the Account Number from a list accounts of that were previously defined through the General Ledger module.

§  Select the Cost Centre if the payment concerns any;

§  Specify the name of the Payee for this multiple payment entry;

§  Enter any necessary Notes;

§  Click NextEntry and repeat the previous steps to add another entry to the payment After each payment entry within the same receipt, the system will update the Total Amount at the top of the page;

§  Click SavePayment  to save all payment entries. However, before saving your work you need to make sure that the total debit side of the multiple payment equal its total credit side. Otherwise, the system will not successfully save the multiple payment;

§  Once you save the payment, the CloseCreditNote button will be enabled for those payments performed to a Supplier with a ‘Debit’ Entry Type. Click this button to close the Credit Note. Accordingly a list of all credit notes and their details will appear in the Supplier Credit Note block. Note that you can edit the Paid Amount through the Supplier Credit Note block. However, the Paid Amount should be less than or equal to the payment’s Due Amount for the selected supplier.


Note: It is important to note that only users with cashier privileges can perform payments.



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  Payment Query